CFO Matters

The chief financial officer (CFO) is the officer of a company that has primary responsibility for managing the company’s finances, including financial planning, management of financial risks, record-keeping, and financial reporting. Our dedicated team can be your finance function or supplement your existing team, either way there will always be one of our experienced professionals on the ground who understands your business and is looking after it, all year round.

China is a unique place with its own set of rules and norms comes up so frequently and in so many different contexts as to be cliché. Moreover, it may be truer for finance professionals than for others. Over the last three decades, China has been changing towards a more market-driven economy with greater rules.

Financial due diligence involves an investigative analysis of a business, assessing the key issues facing the business and the drivers behind maintainable profits and cash flows, identifying the key financial risks and potential deal breakers of the transaction.


Our approach aims to identify the value created by the transaction, including analysis of:

  • Actual earnings (identification of one-off events and sustainable earnings)
  • Cash flow generators
  • Capital expenditure
  • Commitments and contingent liabilities that might endanger financial performance or otherwise adversely affect the target’s financial position after the transaction.
  • Employment issues
  • Financial projections
  • Management information system and control environment
  • Working capital